Managed by a board of six volunteer directors, the Kabi Kabi Peoples Aboriginal Corporation works hard to create opportunities and outcomes for all Kabi Kabi People.

Kabi Kabi peoples are flourishing in two worlds, through a deep knowing of our identity and asserting our rightful role as modern stewards of our estate.

Our Vision

Deep knowing of our identity: whether they live on our estate or in other places, at the core of Kabi Kabi people is the knowledge of who they are, where they have come from and how they are connected.

Asserting our rightful role: our unique place as First Peoples is respected and celebrated as a cultural, social and economic gift to the region’s shared heritage.

Modern stewards: modern stewardship means exercising our traditional responsibilities AND achieving sustainable prosperity in the regional economy.

Our estate: the entirety of our physical and cultural assets – land, sea, waters, fire, air, heritage, stories, dance, song, art, knowledge, ceremonies, traditions, lore, law, etc.

Our Purpose

Our corporation’s purpose is to enable Kabi Kabi Peoples to confidently walk in two worlds on their estate.

The current generation of Kabi Kabi stewards face many complex challenges. For those who live on country, rapid population growth coupled with significant development over many years has placed great pressure on the Kabi Kabi estate. Our peoples’ ability to undertake their serious stewardship role has been diminished by a lack of authority to speak for our estate and red tape that often makes that task harder. For those of our peoples living off-country – for example in Brisbane and Cherbourg – the challenge for them to act as modern stewards is made all the more difficult by distance. It is critical that the door is always open for “our people to bring their spirit home”.

Our corporation aims to make it easy for Kabi Kabi People to undertake their traditional responsibilities as modern stewards. Helping Kabi Kabi People connect with and enjoy their estate so that they can strengthen their identity is critical to that role. Strong foundations must be set by securing the Kabi Kabi estate and establishing a best practice organisation. Part of this strong foundation is ensuring Kabi Kabi Peoples are deeply engaged about their responsibilities to their estate and each other and championing Kabi Kabi’s interests to the region and beyond. Eventually, this role will include creating and brokering opportunities for Kabi Kabi Peoples to thrive and prosper on their estate. However, getting the basics right in the start-up phase will allow us to set a platform from which we can enable Kabi Kabi Peoples to live the vision.

These key aspirations can only be achieved if we all play our part to grow our Nation and look after the Kabi Kabi estate. KKPAC will leverage rights, legislation and regulations to influence change where it can. Our duty is to our Kabi Kabi Peoples and enabling them to take an active role in asserting our cultural authority to implement change and care for our Country.

Our Values

How we do our business

INTEGRITY : Being prepared to take a stand and includes cultural integrity.

HONESTY: With ourselves and each other.

TRANSPARENCY: Of our intent and of our actions.

INNOVATION: We are prepared to challenge the status quo.

RESPECT: For our elders, our cultural and physical environment, ourselves and others, and for our people.

INCLUSIVENESS: Always keeping the door open for our people to come home.